April 12, 2023

You probably go through this ALL the time… 

Is there anyone who is NOT swamped with emails, chats, messages, social media posts, online conferences, meetings and appointments?

Speaking for myself, I’m pretty much always one step behind with my communications.

How about you and what is the result?

For me, I spend minimum time reading them, often not reading the whole thing, and often minimum time responding, too.

Or I get a bit mechanical going to appointments, or attending meetings with half of my attention.  

Quick. To the point. Efficient. Hopefully friendly and appreciative, but done with minimal personal investment. And often with distraction.

And then, distractedly on to the next thing.

Not long ago I read a morning devotional that suggested we treat every encounter as a “Divine Appointment”. 

I was so struck by it. Even with family members and friends, our communications and our time together can feel so utilitarian! And we can be so distracted!

What are we missing? What is lost in service to efficiency? 

In a “Divine Appointment”, we take a moment to pause, to breathe, and CONSIDER the colleague or friend, child or partner, cashier or customer service person on the other end of the phone. 

In a “Divine Appointment”, no matter if the connection lasts 10 seconds, 10 minutes, an hour or a day, in person or virtual, an email or a chat, we remember that they are a LIFE in the process of LIVING. They are a tapestry. They are  history. They are a constellation of  thoughts, wants, and feelings right NOW, and have a story to tell. 

I think one of the greatest gifts we can give, if only for a moment, is to remember this and respond from this place. 

Can you sense the shift of energy in yourself as you contemplate this? That’s what the person on the other side will pick up. They may not be able to name it, but they will know on some level that they just had a “Divine Appointment”, and it will change their day. 

Who will you have a divine appointment with today?

About the author 

Martha Hopewell

“A leader doesn’t get the message across; a leader IS the message!” I coach clients worldwide to embrace the opportunity AND the responsibility of this truth by building their credibility and skill to become remarkable change-makers. I look forward to helping you show up bigger and better for what you care about while taking good care of yourself, and nurturing communities of effort that are positive, productive, and rewarding for your organization and your team.

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